Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Its almost Thanksgiving? by Candice

I still can't believe its almost Thanksgiving. I just got around to uploading Halloween pictures on the computer! Today its 70 degrees outside so I have all the windows and doors open.. but Utah weather is unpredictable so it could start snowing any day now. Hopefully it will wait until after Thursday though because we are taking our family Christmas pictures outside. My friend Janille is an excellent photographer so I can't wait to see how the pictures turn out. I'm going to make our Christmas cards out of them too so everyone can get one. I am excited to get some pictures of Jack all dressed up and we are even going to take Chloe so she can be in a few. I'm worried that it will be hard to get Jack to cooperate for pictures cause he is a moody little stinker sometimes, also I can't get him to sit up.. he just slouches over. The kid has no problem standing as long as there is something to balance him but he refuses to sit! Seems like he is doing things a little backwards. We are excited for Thanksgiving because we get to see Jace's grandma Carma from Idaho and then after Thanksgiving we are going to visit my Grandma and Papa in California.

I was having a hard time getting motivated to find a part time job and so I'm going to start selling Lia Sophia jewelry but I'm going to need lots of help from my friends and family to get started! It might take a little bit of work but I'm happy to be able to set my own hours and work as much or as little as I like. Check out the website to see all the pretty things! www.liasophia.com!


Loni said...

I can't believe how big he is now! He's so cute!!!! He makes me want to have another one!

bonny berry sovereign said...

jack looks great in his christmas outfit.